Friday, February 19, 2010

Birth and Consumption

Hanging on a ledge with thoughts of giving in carrying more and more weight. Just wondering one question, if I don't have the strength to hold me then who is going to care about those still waiting below?

So I keep on liftin. Feelin the pressure relieving as I make company who thinks about the same treat. As I go now we follows. Movin from edge to edge daring the height to try our might. Yellin loud that one day we will take even the clouds.

But as all this goes, now I only wonder if the vantage point we seek to meet will have dropped as we reach the peak. Cuz the many who still wait at the feet. Still have yet to take that first leap. So I stop to think I should have fell long ago. Next step, leap.

Hand in Hand with another grasping the same plan. As we fall goes another chance, but at least two now have held romance before they reach to heaven in a low stance. Where we land another blooms and looks to the sky wondering from where will I be consumed?