Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Tongue-N-Ear/ Who am I?" - Asaeli Matelau

I’m soft-spoken and lighthearted. Yet get me into a corner and things can only go one way. I’m a complex contrast that’s both here and there. A two sided dreamer who throws down with a grim smile, and then writes to lift us higher.

I am in an emancipated bodied estate, thinking of those who choose to simply follow the state. Ignorance is born when emotion is gone so I purge myself from reason and fall into sacrosanct treason. My mind relies on the highs of sensual cries and so I testify against the dirty lies who cry foul on Love.

Because throughout it all. I’m a wannabe mack full of emotion. Guided by sincere thoughts of her smile and a new definition of love. I follow on the definition of love as an action. So I find Love with my initial thrust and Follow it with a smooth caress and trust. Hate and despair get shed with tears. Cuz while the rest preach injustice I Whisper tongue in ear lullabies of justice, fortitude, and respect.

I write for the true feelings of a failed heart. I hear the tears and feel the moans of all those who have been dethroned. I dream in equities and wake in misgivings bringing reasoning to another way. The way away from what’s taught and onto the path in which you live, and feel. In the hopes to give birth to a new organ of emotion..

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